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The Role of the Governors

The governors’ work affects most aspects of the school’s work. They establish, with the Headteacher, aims for the school, and approve policies – for the curriculum, behaviour and discipline, for example; and are responsible for the school’s budget, the appointment of staff and the use and maintenance of the premises.

More generally, they are expected to be in touch with the local community and to help guide the school to meet the community’s educational needs. They are also expected to help the school explain to the community what the school is trying to achieve for their children. The Governors, together as a body, have a range of legal responsibilities. 

All governors are equally responsible and discharge their responsibilities as a body, not individually. The Parent Governors speak as parents: they can’t speak for all parents – and the Governing Body as a whole reports to all the parents each year.

The Governing Body regularly visit the school and their visits include:

Health & Safety (Classroom/Site) Inspections

Sports Fixtures

Open Afternoons - Where Governors are free to walk into lessons.

Chair of Governors meets fortnightly with the Headteacher.

Our Governing Body

Type of Governor / Category Elected by Name Surname Term of Office Start Date                     Term of Office End Date Declaration of interests/ Relationship to any Staff member
Co-opted Governor Governors Jim Brown 22/09/2021 21/09/2025 Governor at other local Primary Schools
LA Governor Nominated by LA - elected by Governors Sue Brooks 14/07/2022 13/07/2026 former head at Dishforth C of E School, governor at Kirby and Great Broughton Primary School
Head Teacher By virtue of office Julie Lyon N/A N/A none
Staff Governor Staff Carol Kestell 14/07/2022 Jul-26 None
Parent Governor Parents Katie Birbeck 16/12/2021 Dec-25 None
Co-opted Governor Elected by Governors Beth Glew 01/12/2022 01/12/2026 None
Parent Governor Parents Danielle McCarthy 28/11/2024 Nov 2028 None
Retired Governors            
Associate Governor Governors Sally McMurray 01/01/2018 01/09/2018  
Co-opted Governor Governors James Harding 18/07/2016 17/07/2020 N/A
Parent Governor Parents Carla Roberts 14/02/2017 13/02/2021 N/A
Co-opted Governor Governors Colin Taylor 18/05/2016 17/05/2020 N/A
Parent Governor Parents Lynn Donnelly   23/10/2020  
Parent Governor Parents Nathan Kelsey 25/05/2017 23/10/2020 N/A
Co-opted Governor Governors Kathryn Howes 07/05/2019 07/02/2022 None
Co-opted Governor Governors Brian Wright 06/11/2018 12/01/2022 None
Parent Governor Parents David Glew 02/12/2020 Jul-22  
Associate Governor Elected by Governors Michael Lynch 13/01/2022 Oct-23 Governor at Dishforth Village School. Married to Sarah Lynch
Co-opted Governor Elected by Governors Sarah Lynch 11/11/2020 Nov-24 Works for GoWise Online and Governor at  a primary school    Married to Michael Lynch
Associate Governor Elected by Governors Paul Franks 03/11/2021 Nov-24 None
Parent Governor Parents Ryan Vincent 14/07/2022 Nov 24 None
Clerk               N/A Antonia Praud N/A N/A None

Governor Attendance 2023-24

Governor Attendance 2021-22

Governor Attendance 2020-21