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Admission Pack

Dear Parent/Guardian

Welcome to our School

Please click on the link below to access our admission pack - here you will find documents that need completing and returning to us. 

Within this pack you will find various consent forms which must be signed and returned to the school on or before your child’s start date.

Applying via the Local Authority: Please apply through your home Local Authority if you do not live in North Yorkshire.

Also enclosed within the pack are copies of our School Expectations and our Home School Agreement. We must keep a record of the signed Home School Agreement in school, therefore could you please ensure that you sign and return one copy for school and keep a copy for yourselves.

Please could you also bring into school a copy of your child’s Birth Certificate as we need to have sight of this.

If you have any queries, please do not hesitate to contact us. 

Julie Lyon

Please click here to view the Admission Pack

Please click here to view the Covering Letter

Please click here to view the Guide to Applying