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Year 5/6

Welcome to Year 5 and 6! 

Our class teacher is Miss Newton and our teaching assistants are Mrs Taylor and Mrs Russell.

This term we will be learning about the Mayan Civilisation and we will be using secondary sources to investigate how this ancient civilisation lived.

In geography, we will be exploring North America. We will be researching physical and human features and looking at how people live in North America. 

Our P.E. days are Tuesday and Wednesday (swimming). The children should have their PE kit in school every day.

Year 5/6 get homework on a Friday in their homework books however it will also be listed on our class homework page on the website. Homework is due in on a Wednesday with spelling and maths tested on a Thursday. Children also bring home a reading book which is read every day at home.

If you have any questions about Year 5/6 please come and see Miss Newton.

Y5 and Y6 Spring 2025 Curriculum Letter

Y5 and Y6 Autumn 2024 Curriculum Letter